
04/15/2010 - 15:31

You can use AJAX through jQuery to search your MySQL database. It's as simple as setting up a php file to handle the search input, creating the input, and a space for the results to be returned. First, you'll need to set up the input box and the return data div.


Next, you'll create your page with the search box and returned data. You'll need to set up the jQuery to take the data as you type.

04/08/2010 - 19:13

Turning your APE whole disc into single ogg files with ID3 tags is easy and takes only a few steps. You'll need the following programs to complete this tutorial: cuetools, shntool, vorbis-tools.

aptitude install cuetools shntool vorbis-tools

First, move into the folder with the APE disc. Second, split the disc into tracks.
