I have started a substack for my fiction writing. For now, expect a few short fiction samples to test the space.
Subscribe if you dare. Or if you like reading fiction.
I have started a substack for my fiction writing. For now, expect a few short fiction samples to test the space.
Subscribe if you dare. Or if you like reading fiction.
Some time ago I started a new project 1,000 Characters to engage in writing again. I had not been writing and needed to find a way to get back to it. The goal of the project is to write short bits about different characters, eventually reaching the goal of 1,000 different characters. They will likely overlap and interact, possibly be related or be friends. Tomorrow I will reach 75 stories and 27 characters.
The new site for Heather Clara Designs has been out a while, but I've been avoiding writing up articles.
It was time for Heather to be able to sell her embroidery works outside of Etsy, and have a website where she could talk about her craft. It's simple and easy to use.
It was built with Django and PostgreSQL via Digital Ocean hosting.
Finally got around to making some changes to the NginX Webmin module. Thanks so much to Mike Andreasen over at guides.wp-bullet.com (wp-bullet.com
The project was started from thronesdb. The project is built upon Symfony2 and Twig - the base of Drupal 8 no less. It's been interesting and exciting to learn about what is being used to build the latest version of Drupal from another side.
Creating a node with PHP in Drupal 8 is easy and not much different than in Drupal 7. The following is how to create a base node. I've also included how to fill in a few of the typical fields, you'll probably want to add more or use different ones. Lastly, I've updated the path alias.
GalaCollider is a project that I've joined recently, as the web developer. It is a fusion of 4X and card games into one, with a planned early release for the fall of 2015. Learn about the game.
The site is built on WordPress with a purchased theme; though the theme has required many tweaks and improvements, the shell is still there. See portfolio page.
Eventually the website and the game will be linked to keep user accounts up-to-date seemlessly.
The Blooming Quill has been updated with a new design. Jessica has designed this site.
This was the first time I've built a theme with the mobile first technique. It was a bit of a challenge to think "backward" from my normal thought process. It was fun, and turned out very nicely I think. In the end it does seem easier to add in features rather than take them away.
Another website has been completed - The Gilded Quill (learn more). This site is for a calligrapher with wonderful work. The old site hadn't been redesigned in several years and was looking dated. The new design by Jessica looks great. The store has also been incorportated with the rest of the site, driving more traffic to one URL and improving the SEO.